Thursday, August 28, 2008

'Cuz my Kids are Cute!

I can't believe how much older Ruth looks with her hair away from her face!
This is what we did.

Shalom wanted in on the camera action! Looks like she is practicing for a new sibling?!?!?!? No...we are not pregnant!

Ruth wanted to show you all what she is reading these days!

Also, for those of you that have been worried: Shalom is trying to walk now. She has initiated taking a couple wobbly steps from furniture to Mama and Papa recently!

Just thought we would share!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

People Touching the World

I sit here at my computer in awe. There are people everywhere touching the world, and I have been privileged to see just a few of them. They fall into several different catergories. Some could be labeled grief, some triumph over death. Whatever the label may be, they have touched me, and I wish to share them (yet again) with you. Maybe my point will be gotten across to all of you who read my blog (Melody, Danette and Debi! ;)), and your lives will be touched as mine is continually.

  • Nate and Tricia Lawrenson ( have a tremendous story. Tricia recently has a double lung transplant. Now she is fighting cancer. I can't explain with words what this blog means to me. Sure does snap me out of a crappy attitude! I face nothing compared to their trials! A thought just hit me! The following passage of scripture just hit me between the eyes as I sit here writing about Nate and Tricia. Am I allowed to dedicate this passage to them?
    "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad on our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." ~Romans 5:3-5
  • Todd and Angie Smith ( share the story of their pregnancy, the birth and death of little Audrey and the grieving process in which they are enveloped. They remind me of the passage in scripture that talks about being able to comfort others because of what they have been thru (pretty sure it is in one of the Corinthians.)
  • Joel and Dess Butler ( have a great story. Because I have seen into and been apart of their story (not just their blog - but their LIFE story!), I would call it "God Redeeming Time Stolen."
  • Danette Bjornstad ( is the story of a girl turning into a woman! Again, her whole story is not in her blog - but you will get a good picture of it! Because I have seen it personally, I know where Danette was, and where she is now. She is growing with God, hungering for God and seeking His will for her life. In the process, she is traveling the world (sucessfully and unsuccessfully) - but she is growing and learning from it! She is the treasure of great worth found in the field!
The above people have touched my life. I encourage you to be touched by them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Craven Wedding 8-3-08

I guess you could call this a family picture?!?!?
I wonder what is keeping Shalom's attentions?
I do believe we were waiting for the Bride at this point.
Ruthie-Bear and Sara have a long history together! Sara came to Friend Ships shortly after we found out we were pregnant with Ruth. Sara and I would hang out while I did dishes in the mess hall, and she would hold Ruth (between 3 and 8 weeks after Ruth was born). Sara ran around like a crazy woman with me to get Ruth her shots - I forgot some paperwork for Ruth, so we had to go all the way back to the ship, and then all the way to the shots place! Grrr...Mommy Brain had struck again! Sara actually sat in the room with me when Ruth was getting her shots - totally forgetting that shots make her puke! Sara also went with me to several places to try to get some money sent to us from Grandma Parker via Grandma Larson - and then to WalMart where we bought over $1000 worth of formula for the Israel trip.

It was really good to see Sara and Matt get married. Also to visit with friends we hadn't seen in FOREVER! Thanks for getting married, Matt and Sara, so we could all get together!

Can you say stuffed?

Where did it all go?
In Here!
And Here!
And Here!
Yes, I ate some pizza, but I was the one taking pics, and the owner of the blog! So there!

Just kidding. This post actually goes AFTER "For the First Time in Married Life..."

For the First Time in Married Life...

Josh can't remember the last time he had pizza. He remembers liking it, but doesn't remember what it tasted like, etc. Well, yesterday, Ruth and I felt adventuresome - so we made Papa pizza...with a spelt crust!

Vegetarian Pizza - not my first choice, but since Josh can't eat pig - we went for Veggie Supreme!

Papa and Ruthie enjoy their pizza.
Lomish did too!
Umm...Ruth actually posed that way for the picture. Who needs HAM on a pizza when you have it at the table already!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lovin' on Papa

My Girlies cuddling up with their favoritest Man in the World!
Lomish - SO happy to be with her Papa!
So is Ruth!
See how much Shalom loves her Papa! She is giving him a BIG wet slobbery kiss!!!

My Cuties

Ruthie-Bear has her Papa T wrapped around her little pinkie. Whenever he comes over, she goes STRAIGHT for his glasses which are always in his shirt collar. Last week, she found some sunglasses, put them in her shirt and said, "Papa T!"
Then there is "Nomish" - which is Ruth-ese for Lomish. She likes to growl at, and "scare" us. I believe this is a picture of her growling to scare her Papa!

A New Adventure

The Girls Room - Clockwise from the door
A picture a little girl hugging a lamb and holding flowers.

Ruth's Big Girl bed
Their dresser
Shalom's bed
The window. The two "things" at the top on either side of the curtain are the snowmen stockings that Grandma Peggy made for them last Christmas. The yellow and blue one on the left is Ruthie-Bears, and the pink and green one on the right is Shalom's.

Well, life as I have known it for the last two years is over. I no longer have anyone under the age of 27 in my room. In fact, I am the youngest occupant of my room! So far it is working well. Ruth LOVES her new room. As soon as her bed went in, she pranced around the house telling us about HER room! Shalom isn't so sure what to think. Who can blame her though? I meant, if you think about it, she got a new bed, AND a new room, all in one day! How shocking would that be when all she remembers is sleeping in Mama and Papa's room in the same green pack and play FOREVER!

Josh and I don't know what to do with ourselves either! It feels SO strange to be able to turn on our light at night when we go into our room. Oh well, we will figure something out!

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Thoughful Place...

My Girls in My Thoughtful Place

I borrowed that name from Winnie the Pooh. I go to my Thoughtful Place once a week. For the record - because I know someone will ask - I DO think more than once a week, I promise! My Thoughtful Place is my backyard. Specifically mowing my back yard. It continually amazes me how much thinking can be done when all there is to be heard is the whirring of the lawn mower.

Before the Creation festival, I thought a lot about the old friends who would be there. I remembered times of old when I was a young girl helping my Dad flag fields. Took me a long time to learn to walk a straight line! I thought of the years it was postponed...especially in '95. How I cried that year pulling up the flag we had spent so much time putting in! I thought about how Melody thinks Chris' tractor is sexy - she said so on myspace (actually, I can't mow my lawn without that thought going thru my head. I am embarrassed to admit that I just found out that is actually a song!).

On a more serious note...I also do a lot of praying in my Thoughtful Place. Usually the people who come to mind in my memories get the prayers. Yep, that means the Strayers, the Mangines, the Benders, and Goodales, Fanning, my family, all of Creation in general.

Just an FYI. Wanna join me in my Thoughtful Place? Send a comment, and I will add you to my list!