Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back from the Dead

I have been told that when paramedics come upon an accident like this...they look for a pulse, never expecting to find one.

God is so amazing, people.  "Somehow" Josh survived this wreck.

Had Josh remained in his seat...Well, you can see for yourself.
"Somehow" Josh ended up NOT sitting on his seat.  He ended up with his head on the steering wheel...and his body under the steering wheel.  But get this - Josh's van tipped on it's right side when it ran into the tree...Josh SHOULD have fallen towards the passenger seat.

This is Josh's blood from above his left eye.  His body ended up crammed under the steering the brake pedal.  If the van was tilted on it's right side when it rammed into a on EARTH did Josh end up on the extreme opposite side of the vehicle?

Who knew the gigantic Larson head could fit into a 6.5 inch space?!?!?!?

Pray for us.  The girls are doing well coping, and emoting.  Pray as I process the accident, and love on Josh as he heals.  Pray for Josh as he heals and gets back to work.  One of the guys from the accident is angry and totally blames Josh.  Pray that Josh can show the Boys who God is and what He is going to do thru this mess!

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