Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Free Will, God's Sovereignty and What it Has to do with My Marriage (Part 1)

My response to (neither proving nor disproving) the blog post "everyone" keeps sharing called "My Husband is not my Soulmate."

Back in the day...I read I Kissed Dating Good-Bye...and I did...I decided I wouldn't kiss till my wedding day. An easy thing to do when you have no prospects on the horizon, let me tell you.

Then one day (April 2000), it happened. I met a guy that fit my bill for marriage-able material. Can you believe it? God let me find a guy who was taller than me, loved God and had double-jointed thumbs. What can I say? I was shallow when I was in high school! I was actually out of high school when I met J...and it seemed to me that this relationship was what I had been looking for all my life. I wanted to kiss him, but remembered my vow...until the day two of my most trusted family members told me I was ridiculous for NOT kissing him. So I went back on my vow. And suddenly, a budding friendship turned into a kiss-a-thon. What had been a "beautiful and much prayed for thing" turned into a horrible mess. We broke up. I got the line "I can love you better as a friend than as a boyfriend or husband," and J walked out of my life completely one warm summer day, two months after the relationship began.

Heartbroken, thy name is Rebekah.

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