Monday, October 6, 2014

Marriage - My Mind-Blowing Thoughts

Growing up, I felt I was close to my parents and sisters. I thought I knew all there was to know about them, and they knew everything about me. I was sure no one knew me better, and I knew them the best.

As time went on, I had many friends that I thought I knew…but have come to realize that I only knew what they would allow me to know. My best friend from age 14 ½ was Amy. We sent letters back and forth (total of eight days, 4 to get to her, and then back), and I was positive that I knew her better than anyone, and the same for her and me. We talked on the phone every Saturday night for at least an hour! It was a L.O.N.G. time before I realized that there might be a chance she could withhold anything from me. So naïve, eh?  My first roommate at Friend ships was Miriam. We lived together for a year, and it never crossed my mind that either of us withheld anything from each other…but we did.

Then God sent Josh into my life. From almost day one, the flood gates opened, and there was nothing that I hid from Josh. Every skeleton was introduced to Josh. If I could scare him away, it would have been then! We knew each others horror stories…and fell in love anyway! Amazingly, to me anyway, I find I am closer to Josh than any person on the planet. More than that, I find my parents and siblings – whom I thought I knew so well – are good friends, but not people with whom I share my every thought and process. Funny thing is, it is supposed to be that way!

In Ephesians, Paul mentions marriage as a great mystery, and likens the whole thing to our relationship with God. When I think of my relationship with God, I think of intimacy…God knows EVERYTHING about me, the small things, the big things, the hurts and joys, even before I can express them. God knew of my suicidal thoughts MONTHS before I was able to put them into words for Josh! To be so KNOW, and yet still loved, is incredibly overwhelming!

I am KNOWN…not just by God, but by my husband and I am loved by both as well. My mind is blown away by these thoughts!

By the way, Josh and I have been married 9.5 years this month! 

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