This doesn't do justice in showing the tiny area Josh had to work in!

Layin' down on the job?!?!?

See the dirt and crud around her mouth?

Would Shirley Temple get this dirty?

This doesn't do justice to the amount of dirt on her! I had to scrub her calves, a thigh and both arms with a toothbrush and dishsoap!
So, almost two weeks ago, the Larson's won a gamble (try fixing this part, if the car starts after - it is yours) and now own a car. It is a raspberry Nissan Maxima. Josh is working on getting the car up to inspection standards. In the pictures of Josh, he is trying to get the nuts and bolts (can you tell i don't know what I am talking about!?!??!) off of the exhaust manifold to look at it.
Ruth, Shalom and I spent a couple hours in the shop with Papa while he was working on the car. I got to "help" Josh - by holding the light, and catching the pieces, and got my hands, shirt and hair thing (don't ask me how, I don't know!) all greasy. Ruth spent time entertaining Shalom - when she wasn't on my back - and cleaning the floor with her rear end, and sorting thru dirty bolts cleaning them with her saliva...Truly, this girl is EXACTLY like her Papa!