Monday, April 28, 2008
Did you know...
The last two weeks have been pretty frustrating for me. It has been a while since I have felt like this. King David went thru it, so did is called Missionary Burn-out. But wait - you might say - You just stay home with the girls and take care of the house... While that is true, I am also tied to and one with a man (a really good looking one too!) who is working in the missionary world. Being as we are one, we both get hit with it. Kind of like Pollyanna - but I am not ready to go there yet.
Josh and I are reading thru 1st Samuel the last chapter. In this part of the book, David went to fight WITH the Philistines against Israel - but the other kings didn't trust him, so he was sent back home. When he gets there, everything is burned...and the families they left behind aren't there. David's men turn on him...but David (finally) turns TO God...and "encourages himself in the Lord."
So it is my turn.
Did you all know I have been to Bible school? God did that.
Did you know I lived in Texas? God told my Dad "It will be okay."
Did you know I lived in Louisiana? God did that.
Did you know I went to Israel TWICE? God did that - fulfilling an unspoken dream.
Did you know I married my best friend? God did that.
Did you know I have two BEAUTIFUL little girls? Yep, God did that too.
Did you know that Jesus died on the cross? God did that.
Did you know that Jesus loves me? God did that?
Did you know that before I was born, God knew me? God did that.
Did you know that God said we would have troubles...BUT He would still be with us?
Did you know that God said He would never leave us or forsake us?
You smellin' what I'm steppin' in?
So it is now your turn...If you need more food for thought - click on "Bring the Rain" and make sure you have your kleenex. Then check this out:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
4-4-3-4 and Other Mysteries of Life
My Ruthie-Bear
I couldn't think up a good enough caption for these pictures. Something along the lines of coming down from a sugar-high...
So, about this "4-4-3-4" thing. Ruth has been learning to count. She has counting practice with Papa every day after lunch - they count M&M's! Of course, there is some eating going on, but that is to be expected, right? So, Ruth is CONSTANTLY walking around the house saying "4-4-3-4," I am sure she will get over it and move on beyond 4! She knows what "one" and "two" mean, and in there are two M&M's...she gets it.Sunday morning, Ruth woke up saying...Cookie! I had made cookies Saturday night after she went to bed, and somehow she knew. She has been saying a new word every day this week. Tuesday it was "honey" - as in Pooh's honey pot. She is also starting to say words that she often hears me use. I better start watching what I say!
Shalom is also blossoming. She is S-L-O-W-L-Y starting to eat food. However, there is a little glitch...she will only eat off of a spoon if SHE puts it into her mouth!
Mama and Papa are doing well. Work is coming along smoothly for Papa. He hasn't quite moved outdoors in his work as of yet, but he is working on maintenance/work vehicles. Last week, we planted a "sporadic" garden in our back yard. I say sporadic, because is certain spots, we have dug holes, and put pumpkin and acorn squash seeds in the ground. Can't wait to see them come up!
Check out some the the links to the left of my posts. You will find blogs of friends, my sister, and at least ONE very encouraging blog! Check out the CF Husband blog if you feel like being amazed at God...'cause GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!
The Larson's