Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's been a while

I know...I haven't been around to add more stuff. Thanks to those of you who check back anyway!

This is my March pregnancy picture. I am carrying lower, I think, than last time.

I had my first real trauma with Ruth yesterday. I have gotten used to her stubbornly falling off of our bed, but she hasn't done it in a while, and definitely not with blood.

Ruth fell off the bed yesterday - quite hard - and cut behind her top left tooth. She also chipped a corner off of her bottom left tooth. Very traumatic - for Mama! After Ruth quit crying a and took a nap, she woke up as if nothing had happened. Sheesh! I blame the Larson (mostly Parker) pain tolerance level!

By the way, we are finally growing more than weeds in our little garden! I was told that we have marigold type flowers growing in the flower garden, and dill and garlic chives in the veggie part!

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