Saturday, November 5, 2011

Some Hard Thoughts

I have been called a Pharisee more than a few times in my life.  I know about the planks that I have in my own eyes, and that we aren't all at the same place.  I just can't get over what I am about to say.

Several years ago, I was sitting in my friend Jennifer's cabin on the ship, Spirit.  She and I were watching "You've Got Mail".  Suddenly, out of no where, she gets up and leaves saying something about the movie pulling back scabs she thought had healed.  I was dumbfounded and confused.  I watched the movie, halfheartedly, while trying to match what I knew of Jennifer's life to this silly cute movie!  It got me thinking about the movie itself.  There I was enjoying a movie about a guy and a girl...who both lived with someone they weren't married to, and they ended up in an emotional affair, because they were no longer satisfied with their current partner.  But it's okay, because Tom Hanks' woman was a snob - to the highest degree...and, and...Meg Ryan's boyfriend was a loser in love with typewriters...So it's okay that they ended up together, because they were happier together than with their previous partner...right?

Kind of interesting way of looking at a cute Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks movie...isn't it?

Fast forward to today.  I hear my friends talking about a show called Sister Wives, and how intriguing it is.  I cannot find the words to describe how I feel about this.  I just read Wikipedia's synopsis of the show...I know, Wikipedia isn't necessarily a reputable source...but please hear me out.

Who in their right mind would share their husband with another woman?  Just saying those words makes my blood boil!  I don't see how 'we' can get so bent out of shape about the GLBT arena 'soiling' the true meaning of marriage...and yet find this show intriguing.  It disgusts me.  This Kody Brown guy needs does his wife, and the other three women in his house - along with all their am not ranting about the show, nor the people in it.

My frustration is seeing Christians being intrigued by this show and watching it!  Doesn't that boost their ratings?  Wouldn't a boost in ratings mean that people agree with the show?

What happened to separating ourselves from the world?  Yes, be IN the world, but not OF the world...wouldn't that include approving of what God doesn't approve of?

I won't call myself infallible.  I won't say that I wouldn't LOVE to buy a TV and watch all sorts of old movies with my favorite Man with skin on.  Old movies are like old friends to me, and I miss them.  I won't say that owning and watching TV is a bad thing, because, obviously, that is between you and God.  I just don't understand what is so intriguing about watching and approving of a show like that.  If it were me...and Josh came and told me that he was bringing home another woman...he'd be coming home to an empty house, because my kids and I would be gone!

Fling your mud.  Call me a Pharisee, a wet blanket, a goody-two-shoes.  It isn't like I haven't heard it all before.  But please, don't call evil good.


Unknown said...

I TOTALLY agree with you. Just the idea of that show makes me sick and so I've never watched it. I'm with you though... I'm dumbfounded by my Christian friends giggling over The Girls Next Door, or the Kardashian show, or Real Housewives of... and I DON'T GET IT. All such loud-mouthed, crass... I don't know what. But not pretty to watch. :) I'm not judging, because goodness knows I have my OWN share of bad habits, but so much on TV leaves me with an "I don't belong here..." feeling. I am SO my grandmother made over, but I'll stick with Food Network, HGTV, and DVDs we bring home from the church library, thank you very much. :)

Peggy said...

I have to say it blows me away with what is being watched by "Christians" today. I agree with Melissa, there are so many shows out there that I'm shocked at when I hear people talking about that are so........... bad garbage in the mind and do nothing to raise you up spiritually or even morally/emotionally. I only watched Sisters Wives when I was down with my sister (she loves it) and I was aghast and truly sorry for these woman that would share their husband in such a way. I have to stop because I can so get going on this subject of what we expose our hearts and minds to. I have to agree with Melissa that I am more of a Food Network and House Hunters (HGTV) type of person and getting some truth in news (Fox news). So anyway, I don't feel TV is the issue but what you choose to waste your time doing/watching that is the heart of the matter- at least for us. Great subject Rebekah!