Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I woke up this morning, and I looked at our alarm clock (it has the date on it). June 5, 2007

Do you realize - probably not, what a scary thing for you to have been in my brain - that last year at this time, I was dreading each new day? I wasn't scared of going in to labor with Ruth, I was getting tired of being pregnant, but that isn't why I hated getting up in the morning. And it wasn't because I had to have Josh push me out of bed, either. I dreaded getting out of bed, because I would hear a chorus of "Are you still here?" "Haven't you had that baby yet?"

Ruth will be a year old in 10 days, people TEN DAYS! My little tiny baby that I carried for 9 whole months, isn't a baby anymore! This is my Ruthie-Bear and me just hours after she was born...SIGH! Where does the time go?

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